Lately I haven't been in the lovey dovey mood. Prom is coming up, I have no date and I keep telling myself I should just wait until college to try and find someone. But now someone has kinda caught my eye. Someone I really hadn't noticed much at all throughout the school year. Why all of a sudden now? I don't know, its kinda a bad time don't you think? School is ending soon and I'm moving forward.
We aren't really friends. Its not like I hate him. We have talked a few times, but I have no idea why I am crushing on him. My brother told me he would be my perfect prom date. And now that he pointed it out, I realized we would be really cute together.
I'm not really sure what to do at the moment. I'm shy, so its hard to make eye contact or even try to talk to him. Even so I'm not sure what to do. I hate that when you start to like someone, you have a problem talking to them, but if you didn't like them you probably wouldn't care. Maybe I should have my brother have us start a conversation somehow. Idk. What do you think I should do? Leave a comment down below.
Just talk to them and don't care what they think. Any problem you have will come from caring what they think. Just approach him directly and tell him you think he cute, or whatever you're thinking, and it will work. Same for guys picking up girls. I approach girls directly in supermarkets and stuff and not caring what they think is KEY. -tony