Every story has an END, but in LIFE every END is just a new BEGINNING

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hitting a New Low

A couple of blog posts back I talked about how someone I know wasn't being appreciated and that their relationship was becoming rocky. Well that relationship is now over. Now when you break up with someone genuinely you just forget about them and give them their stuff back or whatever. But when you do something so low, it's just not right. It's like kicking him when he's down. and just by watching what has happened, I know to trust your instincts. When they first started going out I didn't have a great feeling about her, but I didn't want to say anything to him because that just wouldn't be nice. But shes your usual bitchy girl. Cheerleader, slutty and not to mention obsessive!

I have recently started becoming friends with  a co- worker of mine and I told her about what was going on. Well she happened to know people in the same group of friends as, lets call her "the cheerleader"( I'm not dissing cheerleaders, I'm sure there are really nice girls out there.) Well one of my co-workers friends has a campfire every now and then and her friend is also friends with "the cheerleader." Well at this particular bonfire "the cheerleader" showed up and started prancing around saying, "I'm single!!" OK low move number one. She mentioned to the host of the bonfire that she was only there because she couldn't get a ride to a concert. Low move number two. And with her she brought love notes that he wrote to her. Low move number three.

You can probably see where I'm getting at here. The next thing "the cheerleader" does is gives some of the notes to her other friends and they start reading them in front of everyone. Low move number 4. Need I say there were at least 15 people there. People started laughing and she burned them in the fire. Low move number five.

Now I don't even know what he wrote her in those letters, and believe me I have asked, but he never told me. Once I heard all of this I told him and he said that he wrote some really personal and sappy things to her. I mean they dated for over a year and he "loved" her.

Lets review shall we..

#1: Prancing around saying that shes single.
#2: Saying that she was only there because there was nothing better
#3: Bringing the love notes with her
#4: Showing it to her friends
#5: Burning it in front of all her friends.

Now first of all if your going to burn love notes do it in private or just rip them and throw them away. Why would you want to embarrass that other person. He didn't do anything to you and you don't have the right to do that in the first place. And I just have one thing to say to her. I hope that people will realize what kind of person you are and that someone will embarrass you the same way you embarrassed him. Karma will eventually get back to you sweetie, so don't hurt yourself.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Being Hypnotized

Now you may ask, "Why is she talking about this topic?" Well for those of you who have had a project graduation or some kind of event after graduation you may of had a hypnotist come and visit your school, or college. Well that's what happened to me. For my project graduation we had a hypnotist come and perform in our auditorium. Now before he came I was expecting him to have a little station where you could line up and he would wave a watch in front of you and make you bark like a dog or something in front of your friends. Well I thought wrong. It was in front of my whole senior class. Before the "lock in" I said it would be kinda cool to be hypnotized, but when I found out it was in front of more people I was kind of iffy about it. Well when he asked for volunteers, I didn't want to but my friends of course made me. So me and 15 other people were chosen to go on stage.

The way he hypnotized us was different then what you would see in the movies. He didn't use the watch and swing it in front of us, instead he turned down the stage lights had light on the end of a mic stand and played soothing music. He told us to stare at the light bulb until be eventually fell asleep or just kinda bent over motionless.

It's hard to explain how you feel when your hypnotized. People asked me did I remember anything, and actually I remember everything. You just felt so good that you didn't care what people thought about you. Your mind is almost like in a different state that only responds to the hypnotists voice. Now you realize what your doing when he wakes you up but again you just don't care what people think about you.

There was one thing he did to just me where he said when he snapped his fingers my tongue would fall out. Not literally, but he made me think I didn't have a tongue. And when he said wake up I did and he snapped his fingers. I was thinking to myself, I'm not stupid I know my tongue is still there, but yet I couldn't talk and I felt like gaging. and then he said "sleep" and right away I bent over in my chair with my eyes closed, having no idea why I did. I was awake in my mind but asleep in my actions. And I remember thinking to myself why can't I open my eyes. Very strange but if you have the opportunity to get hypnotized it is definitely worth it. I have actually gotten the chance twice.

Just about a week ago, my college had welcome week and they had the same hypnotist come to the college. I decided to go and see the show, but I didn't want to get hypnotized just watch the show. Well when he put the light bulb on, my eyes were just kind of drawn to it and I fell asleep, in the audience! I was sitting at a lunch table asleep and my friend was sitting next to me. I could here everything she was saying but yet I just couldn't wake up until I heard him say wake up. Now granted I was in the back of the cafeteria and I couldn't hear him very well, so I didn't do any of the actions he had the others do, I just woke up and fell asleep when they did. I told my friend when I was conscious to go and tell him that I had gotten hypnotized and she did. He then woke me up and I was alive and normal.

The only thing about being hypnotized is the aftermath. When your woken up your confused a little bit and shaky because you were so relaxed, but after 15 minutes I was fine. So I just thought it would be fun to share a little story.


My grandma and grandpa have been married now for 63 years. They were married when my grandma was 18 and my grandpa 20. Now they are in the mid 80's. I know back then it was a different time and I sit here and wonder, how can someone be so committed to someone else at that age. I mean I'm 18 and I have never truly loved someone (other than my family.) Plus the fact that they are able to put up with each other for 63 years?! Every vacation, experience, and every moment spent together. It's almost like they are connected by the hip and can't do anything with out that other person. I don't know how they do it? I spent 3 days with my friends and I didn't go 2 days without getting irritated at least 3 times (plus lack of sleep.)  I guess it's something I will never understand unless it happens to me one day, and even then I will wonder, what is wrong with my emotions? I even sit back and watch my parents once in a while. How they communicate with one another, and how rarely they fight (and when they do it's kinda funny.) I mean I never see them fight, its just every once in a while if their tired or what not, but I don't know I guess in a way it just confuses me.