I give you flowers, I write you love notes and for what? To get all stepped over. He is the nicest guy I could possibly know, but he's stuck in love. Lately him and his girlfriend have been having problems and he is getting to the point were he is thinking about ending their relationship. I'm not saying its going to happen, I just think it should end. He is probably the best boyfriend any girl could have. I would love to have a boyfriend like him. Funny, sweet, gives you cute comments, makes you feel good, but my question is, why must he finish last? His girlfriend has been treating him like crap, and its been going on for awhile. She's obsessive over someone she will never meet, shes rude, doesn't show up for any of his competitions, and doesn't appreciate anything he does for her. For example... He wrote her the cutest love note and her and her friend decided to correct his spelling and give it back to him. Basically saying that he is stupid. Really? Seriously. Around him she doesn't care, has a dull look on her face then all of a sudden her friends show up and her face lights up. Isn't that supposed to be the opposite? Aren't you supposed to light up around your boyfriend. and if this couldn't have gotten any worse, he was invited to a party, and instead of giving him a ride, she decides shes going to give a ride to her x-boyfriend. Honestly it's not for me to say weather or not they break up. All I am saying is as a person something isn't right and ever since I met her she has given me bad vibes. It makes me sad that someone doesn't appreciate everything he does for her, and they have been dating for a year. I would say its a privilege to have a boyfriend compared to some people. For people like me who don't ever get to experience the high school dating life it's just a shame that you would throw such a special relationship away. It's stupid, it's rude and just plain bitchy.
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